About Me

Hi i'm Isabel!

I am a 17 year old girl born, raised and currently living in the sunshine state, better known as Queensland, Australia. I recently finished High School and am taking a 'gap' year (which i hope never ends!) to figure out what the hell I want to do with the rest of my life. I do have a job but it is a bit dead end and not really in the field I am interested in. So I decided to fill up some of my free time by blogging about my adventures, outfits, trends and really just my life. This blog is also the start of a new chapter in my life and what better way to share it than with the world! 

 Now for a little bit about myself. I love cats so be prepared to see a lot of pictures of me and my adorable cat. I have no titles to go along with my name and I dont  think any less of myself because of it. I play the guitar and I am obsessed with music, my favourite artists and bands include the Arctic Monkeys, Pond, Miles Kane, Jake Bugg, Jimi Hendrix etc.. (I could go on all day!). I am a bit of a fitness freak which sometimes can be a bad thing and I think of myself as a bit of a fashionista. 
In the end I hope to inspire and ignite other's fashion sparks because I think clothing is a beautiful way to express yourself. 

 Thankyou for reading my blog and getting to know a little about me!  
 Isabel xo. 

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